Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mexico Mission Trip 2009 Wrap Up

Buenas Naches Amigos and Amigas,
We are back. We arrived yesterday morning around 11 AM after driving all night from Basconcobe, Mexico. It was a long drive but significantly shorter than the drive there. It was also uneventful, which is the best kind.
It was great to get back to see Shannon, Carter and Addison.
We had a great week full of hard work and ministry. God has blessed beyond measure and Cameron and I learned that we have been blessed to be a blessing according to Genesis 12.

 2 "I will make you into a great nation
       and I will bless you;
       I will make your name great,
       and you will be a blessing.

 3 I will bless those who bless you,
       and whoever curses you I will curse;
       and all peoples on earth
       will be blessed through you."  

The work that we accomplished will benefit teams that will go down to Basconcobe in the future. The next event there will be a discipleship training class for the pastors in the region. Mike Fike, from Sun Valley, will be joining Enrique Medina, the founder and leader of Ravah, for the first of seven intensive 3 day training sessions that will train pastors how to teach people how to become disciples of Christ. This type of training is more than they have ever had before. In speaking with Enrique, he feels like this will revolutionize the region in respect to their knowledge of how to have a relationship with God. It is our prayer that the work that we have done will allow these pastors to train at a site that will allow them to focus on what God has done for them and how they can better relate to him.
The team took literally hundreds of pictures, some of which are located at There are also a number of videos which are located at
As you have heard from us a number of times this past week, we have been blessed to have this opportunity to serve in Mexico and that we would not have been able to do that without your prayers and financial support. Thank you for serving through Cameron and I. You also have been blessed to be a blessing.
Cameron and Sheldon

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