Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mexico Mission 2009 Day 3

Buenas Naches Amigos and Amigas,
Greetings from Basconobe, Mexico. It has been another productive day here on the compound. We completed the installation of the water tank this morning and poured a lot of concrete for the patio. It was an awesome team project in which we will complete tomorrow ( I hope).
After the work project was complete for the day we went to a local museum for lunch. This museum had a lot of amazing artifacts from the region and as the per usual the food was awesome. Cameron entertained the team by doing a little break dancing to the music that was playing. It was a blast to see him do his thing.
After lunch we scurried off to a local park that had a basketball court to hold our daily VBS. It was an awesome sight to see over 130 kids singing and dancing to the music provided by Matt and Enrique. Nicole Swartz told the story of David and Jonathon. Then we gathered the kids in to teams of 10 to 12 and did a craft. It was difficult to communicate to the kids but I believe that we began to build some relationships that hopefully can be built over time by the local church here. Tomorrow we intend to go back to the same place. We expect to have many more kids tomorrow.
Tomorrow we hope to complete the concrete pour and connect the water tank to the local water supply. We are also going to celebrate the end of the year and the decade with the community.
Thanks for supporting Cameron and I on this adventure. It has been a blessing to the people of Basconobe and the people that this local church serves.
Cameron and Sheldon

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