Wednesday, July 16, 2008

VBS this week at Central

Well, our shy boy, Carter is attending VBS with his big brother at Central Christian Church. We did not sign up Carter for VBS a month ago because he backed out of a very expensive gymnastics class this summer. What we mean by backed out, he had a throw down, wiggly body, crying/screaming tantrum and would not even sit in the gym class. Thus, a $90 credit at Arizona Olympian. I thought for sure he would not go to VBS, therefore I would be saving myself $25 this time.

Low and behold he finds out that his friend, Joshy Mahon is going to VBS and has another throw down at 7:30pm and is wanting us to take him to VBS that minute. I have to explain to him that VBS is almost over and that I will call the church and see if I can get him in Joshy’s class.

With great joy and excitement Carter is in Joshy’s class. Now of course since I registered late we have to pay $40 instead of the $25 initial fee. It is worth every penny! The first thing he said this morning at 6:30am, “When do I go to gymnastics?” and I said, “you mean VBS?” It’s going to be a long day!

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