Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mexico Mission Trip 2009 Day 4

Buenos Noches Amigos and Amigas,
We are just now preparing to sit down and eat dinner for the last time in this year of 2009. It has certainly been a very challenging year for our family and many families that we know. This all seems pale in comparison to the challenges that face the people of Basconobe, Mexico each day. We take for granted so many things that we have and these folks have so little and yet seem so happy and content with the lives that they lead.
Cameron and I just got back from a New Year's Eve church service that was still going strong after 2+ hours. Cameron was getting a little antsy so he begged me to go and so we left a little early. I am not sure how long they will go. The people here love Jesus just like we do in the states. It was pretty awesome to worship with them and listen to them read the scripture in Spanish although we both were a little lost.
Today we finished off the concrete pour that we started yesterday and completed most of the water tank connection. We even got started on the project for tomorrow which consists of putting a roof on the second level patio. The changes that we have been able to accomplish this week have been impressive. God certainly has blessed with a great team this year.
We were able to go to the nearby town of Navojoa to do a little shopping in the outdoor market. It sure was different that going to the mall. It was interesting to watch all the women when they spotted Cameron and his bleach blond hair. They were gawking and smiling and straining to look at him. A number of women tried to touch his hair. He finally got tired of the all the attention and asked me to buy him a hat to hid his hair.
We had another opportunity to share the gospel with the local children and some parents during VBS this afternoon and it was great to see some of the kids that we saw yesterday. Our prayer that the local church will have an opportunity to continue to water the seed that we planted in them.
Tomorrow we hope to complete the projects that we have started and then get cleaned up and packed for our 10 PM departure. We plan on driving through the night so as to avoid the five hour delay at the border during the middle of the day. Please pray for Matt and I as we are the only drivers on the way back.
We hope to update you one more time from Basconobe before we leave and then will get some pictures and a synopsis of our trip to you later this weekend.
We pray that each of you experiences God in a whole new way this coming 2010. Cameron and I thank you for giving us the opportunity to start our 2010 serving God as he has called each an every one of us to do.
Happy New Year.
Cameron and Sheldon

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