Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer of Fun

We are well into the summer of 2009 and what a summer it has been. Seems like everything we do revolves around the pool. Since we have a pool in our backyard the kids can hardly wait for it to be warm enough to jump in. Dad has a different idea of what warm is and Mom has an entirely different idea.

Well it finally warmed up enough and they made the cannon ball jump. Cameron and Carter resumed like they had never stopped since last summer. Addison was a little more tentative. Mom enrolled Carter and Addison in swim lessons and Cameron on a town swim team. They all excelled. Here's a video of our P-nut at swimming lessons:

Here's a video of our Carter making a big splash

A few weeks ago, Dad, Cameron and Carter had the opportunity to go to the Diamnodbacks game and watch the game from the famous stadium swimming pool. It was a good time for all. Anyone out there done a cannonball in front of 27,000 people? Cameron has. Check out the video.

Cameron was involved in a Town of Gilbert swim team program. He absolutely loved it. He went to practice every weekday for 30 minutes where he learned the 4 main strokes (freestyle, breast, back and butterfly). He started off finishing in the back of the pack but by the end of the season he had qualified for the championships in breaststroke. In fact he won his heat in the championship placing him 7th, out of 16, in his age group. It was an awesome sight to see this little guy swim his heart out and beat all others in the pool. Check out the video.

School starts soon so our pool time will be a little less but still be hanging out at the pool in the evenings and the weekends. Come by anytime and cannonball in.

1 comment:

nonnie said...

Cameron, you are one great swimmer!! I am soooo proud of you...look out Olympics...Love you, Grandma Linda